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Descriptor English:   Skull Fracture, Depressed 
Descriptor Spanish:   Fractura Craneal Deprimida 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Fratura do Crânio com Afundamento 
Synonyms English:   Compound Depressed Skull Fracture
Compound Depressed Skull Fractures
Skull Fractures, Compound Depressed
Depressed Skull Fracture
Depressed Skull Fractures
Fracture, Depressed Skull
Fractures, Depressed Skull
Skull Fractures, Depressed
Skull Fracture, Compound Depressed  
Tree Number:   C10.900.300.918.300
Definition English:   A skull fracture characterized by inward depression of a fragment or section of cranial bone, often compressing the underlying dura mater and brain. Depressed cranial fractures which feature open skin wounds that communicate with skull fragments are referred to as compound depressed skull fractures. 
Indexing Annotation English:   coord (IM) with specific bone in the skull/inj (IM) if pertinent
History Note English:   2000 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced CL classification
CO complications CN congenital
DI diagnosis DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy DT drug therapy
EC economics EM embryology
EN enzymology EP epidemiology
EH ethnology ET etiology
GE genetics HI history
IM immunology ME metabolism
MI microbiology MO mortality
NU nursing PS parasitology
PA pathology PP physiopathology
PC prevention & control PX psychology
RT radiotherapy RH rehabilitation
SU surgery TH therapy
UR urine VE veterinary
VI virology  
Record Number:   34375 
Unique Identifier:   D020204 

Occurrence in VHL:
