Expresión de búsqueda: HMGN2 PROTEIN 
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Descriptor Inglés:   HMGN2 Protein 
Descriptor Español:   Proteína HMGN2 
Descriptor Portugués:   Proteína HMGN2 
Sinónimos Inglés:   HMG 17
HMG17 Protein
Nucleosomal Binding Protein 2, High Mobility Group
HMG 17 Protein  
Categoría:   D12.776.660.235.400.400.300
Definición Inglés:   An evolutionarily conserved 9-KDa nuclear protein that binds NUCLEOSOMES and may be involved in the process of CHROMATIN unfolding. 
Nota Histórica Inglés:   2002; for HMG 17 & HMG 17 PROTEIN use HIGH MOBILITY GROUP PROTEINS 1985-2001 
Calificadores Permitidos Inglés:  
AD administration & dosage AE adverse effects
AG agonists AN analysis
AI antagonists & inhibitors BI biosynthesis
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CS chemical synthesis CH chemistry
CL classification DF deficiency
DE drug effects EC economics
GE genetics HI history
IM immunology IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism PK pharmacokinetics
PD pharmacology PH physiology
PO poisoning RE radiation effects
SE secretion ST standards
SD supply & distribution TU therapeutic use
TO toxicity UL ultrastructure
UR urine  
Número del Registro:   36232 
Identificador Único:   D024242 

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